Come dwell in deep time. Rest, be held.
Craniosacral Therapy is a holistic hands-on approach to healing where the interconnections of mind, body, and spirit are deeply acknowledged. Anna uses gentle light touch to regulate your nervous system, ease physical pain and emotional stress, and foster balance in the body and mind.
What can Craniosacral Therapy help with?
Craniosacral Therapy has its roots in Osteopathy. It can help to address chronic conditions related to, or resulting from, physical and emotional stress, anxiety, trauma and nervous system dysregulation, such as:
Migraines & headaches
Stress & anxiety
Mental & spiritual wellbeing
Chronic pain
Digestive issues
Back, neck & skeletal pain
Trauma & grief
I was first drawn to Craniosacral Therapy through meditation. After many years of practice, my Buddhist teacher encouraged me to read Reggie Ray’s book Touching Enlightenment - Finding Realisation in the Body. Reggie’s teachings, and some long solo meditation retreats, helped me realise that my own body has a surprising ability to guide me into the unknown, to new places of integration, mystery, vitality and realisation.
For me, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is the practice, or the container, for supporting this unfolding in myself and others. Some days the therapy is purely focused on supporting the release of physical tension, but in my experience cranio is usually working on every level of the being - physical, emotional and spiritual. It’s one of the reasons I love the practice.
My clinical approach is defined by deep listening and a gentle, non-judgemental space for you to let go.
I treat from the studio in my home in Nightcliff, surrounded by lush tropical gardens and roaming chickens.
I have a Diploma in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and am registered therapist with the Pacific Association of Craniosacral Therapists.